Friday, 28 June 2013

Send fake SMS

Do you ever send fake sms to any friend? These type of sms have unknown ids unknown name. No one can find it. Do it and impress your friend. Click image below.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Star War story in ASCII code in windows xp, 7 and 8

Interesting! Star war movie story built-in  windows features. If you watch the movie you the complete story you find in it. This story is in windows telnet protocol feature

For window Xp
Open run command and type

telnet ( press enter)

For windows latest version 7 or 8
By default latest version of windows telnet like features are turned off. First you've to turned it on. 

Go to control Panel then Programs and click "turn windows feature on or off" and search telnet, check both telnet client and server option.

Now open start and type "telnet" in program search and open it. Now you'll be in dos mode 

type: o (press enter)
type:  (press enter)

Wao! the story start.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Facebook theme for firefox browser

Now Iam going to change facebook website theme in firefox browser. first I'll search "Stylish for firefox" and open that link and install it.

Ok Now; After that I'll login facebook and opened firefox window left bottom corner button "S" I'll find.

I'll select "Find styles for this site" and I've this stylish theme. Did you like?

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Change facebook theme

Do you ever think that you can change your facebook site theme? It is really not possible. But I make it possible for you. Ok
Let us start.
In chrome browser click on right side corner "Customize and Control google chrome button" and select "Setting" from the opening drop down menu. Now you have select extensions. and from more find "Stylish" extension. or
Write "Stylish extension for chrome"  or click on this link  and select "Add to chrome". Stylish extension is added to chrome extension list.

Now open facebook site and login then click on "S" button top right corner of google chrome browser and select "find more style for this site" and select any theme and download it. Ye he you've done!

Facebook funny feature

Login you facebook account and search right corner a setting-type button click it.

From language choose (English(Upsid Down) and watch result.

Facebook text now become upside down.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Find IP Adress of any websit

Every url has there own specific ip address if you  want to know do this
step 1: open run command or press window key + r from keyboard
step2: type "cmd" in run command omit inverted comma.
step3: new type key word ping and then your desired websit url.
      for example
after typing this press enter you can find ip address which is as group of digit. You paste these digits on any browser's address bar the desired sit opened.

Write text online upside down

Its really amazing if we can write text online upside down. It is really fun.
Click image below.

Pacman Game in Google

Who is cutest?
Write above phrase in google search bar and hit "I'm feeling lucky" button and let you know that what google reply.

Google Pacman

By typing "Google Pacman" a famous pacman  game displayed and a "insert coin" button displayed with pressing insert coin button you can play this game. Then why are doing late? start it just know.

Find Chuck Norris

Find Chuck Norris

By typing these words word google results
Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't findChuck Norris, he finds you.
Your search - Chuck Norris - did not match any documents.
  • Run, before he finds you.
  • Try a different person.
  • Try someone less dangerou
You try it now.

Google make fun with you

LOL Limewire

In google search bar typing "LOL Limewire" and by hitting the "I'm feeling lucky" button; google claims you are pirate and also music start with saying these lines "do what you want cause a pirate is free." and some cartoon character dance.

What is result of 2204355?


You know google really haven't forget these digits. What he do. Let you watch just type these digit in search bar and hit "Im feeling lucky" button.

Annoying Google

Annoying Google

If you really want to annoy google just type "Annoying Google" in google search bar and hit "I'm feeling lucky" button. Google really annoyed .

Google Rainbow

Google Rainbow

Now you've to type "Google Rainbow" in google search bar and it "I'm feeling lucky" button. What did you see? "Google Rainbow an arc made above google and whole the text rapidly changed the color as rainbow like.

Google Zoom in

Epic Google
If you type "Epic Google" in google search bar and hit "I'm feeling lucky" button; An Epic word will be looked above goole and whole the page data slowly magnified.

Google text moving round

Google Sphere
When you type "Google Sphere" in google search bar and press "I'm feeling lucky" button, google's text dance in spherical direction your mouse also involve it. Try it now.

 and now "I'm feeling lucky" button tricks
Google Gravity:
 Write "Google Gravity" phrase in google search bar and press "I'm feeling lucky" button. You'll see the google's whole text and image fall down.

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the universe and everything

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the universe and everything

When you type this line Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the universe and everything in google search bar, google calculator will be opened automatically and gives the result in number as 42.

Google Reader Ninja

Google Reader Ninja
This time you've to open and now press button from keyboard Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A . You 'll feel that the look of page is automatically changed.

Google page moving

Do a barrel roll
An other google funny magic, type "Do a barrel roll" and look googl's search result revolving.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Zerg Rush
Open and in search bar type "Zerg Rush". What happen! Test it. 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Online drawing with several tools

If you want to draw sketch online with several tools. This link will help you for this. Just click here and choose right side pans queeky paint and enjoy.

Download 3d models in various formats

Sometime you've needed some model character for your 3d modeling projects. Here you'll find many characters like human vehicles, building accessories such as bedroom, drawing room , kitchen stuffs.

Online 3d modeling

Here you make your 3d building, tools etc; very simply and easy. It gives you camera views, dimension, any many more. Click here or picture above.

Here is an other tool for online 3D modeling. very easy and simple way. click here.

Make animated image of your video files

If you want make animated image files of any your video file, upload or video file from web or from your computer and generate it; your animated video file is ready now you can download it and watch directly as an image, you can also place it on your web it'll be just an image file in .gif format. 
If you haven't got above image no problem click create button and choose animated gif. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

Online all files converter

If you want to convert audio files in wav, aac, flac, mp3, ogg, wma. It is very simple. This online converter give this facility. Not only this but you can also convert video files, in 3gp, mp4, avi, flv, mkv, mov, mpeg-2 etc. You can covert archive in .zip, tar.gz. You can also convert documents files to doc, rtf, pdf and etc.

Online music creator studio

Create your own music with a lot of instruments
Here you can add music notes with piano, gittar. also add drum beats, claps. It mean you can create complete instrumental songs with this online tools.

Online Slide Maker

Here you can make slide with your favorite images. Add 10 images and add transition effects, Your slide is made.

Edit video online

Here you edit your video, with inserting transitions, audio loops etc. First you have asked to login but you may login through facebook account. After login you may access total of that effect. You may upload video, audio and image files and insert in timeline than its your wish what effect you add in it. The video files formats are avi, mpg, mpeg, flv, mov and much more while total image formats also support. click here.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Create cool text logo

Create your own text logo. Hundred effects you can see here. Like burning text, water effect text and many other effects. 

Download torrent files with "Internet Download Manager"

Download torrent file with download manager;
Sometime it is very boring when a torrent file download in very slow speed but everyone know that it is very easy to download a file through any download manager like Internet download manager. Click image above  or click here and choose any torrent file then press " Go" button. Choose free and after a minute you'll get a link

Edit your photo in 5 second

Do you want to change background of your picture?
Do you want to add different effect in your picture?
It is very simple just click on image below and choose any image then upload your picture and watch now.